What's it all about?

For my own personal interest I intend to chronicle a 365 day cycle of a small area near where I live. It might be interesting, it might be tedious; I don't know yet. I'll attempt to make a daily posting although this might not always be possible.

The blog being of a mainly pictorial nature, I intend to take all of the photographs on my phone camera rather than using a DSLR and I'll try to keep photo-editing to a minimum. We'll see...

Monday, 29 December 2014

Day 90: 29th December 2014

Frosty start

Beautiful day to get a half day at home

Sheltered peace in the dell

Blog back up to date!

Day 89: 28th December 2014


Day 87: 26th December 2014

Boxing Day. Different field.

Day 86: 25th December 2014

Merry Christmas

Apologies for lack of snow

Day 85: 24th December 2014

Looking even less likely

Jetting off for the sun

Day 84: 23rd December 2014

Snow? No!

Day 83: 22nd December 2014

Still waiting

Day 82: 21st December 2014

Awaiting festive weather

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Day 64: 3rd December 2014

Cold and clear. Solid underfoot

First light

Later, it's lovely and bright, but still no warmer

Frost still lingers behind the hedgerows

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Afternoon 63: 2nd December 2014

Bright but bitter. Northerly blowing in.

Day 63: 2nd December 2014

Day 62: 1st December 2014

White Rabbits! Welcome to December.

I'd prefer not to be too contentious here, but this sight makes my heart sink. If you can't be bothered to take the bag home, please just let your dog go in the hedgerow and take the empty bag home. At least then it will wash away with the next rain.

Evening 61: 30th November 2014

 Low light catches the trees

Monday, 24 November 2014